I Made a Site Leveraging AI: How Accessible Was It? Interesting experiment by Mark Steadman, who used Durable to generate a website. Using axe-core to scan the site, he found 17 accessibility issues, of which 11 were ‘critical’ and 6 ‘serious’. These included: Manually discovered a11y issues included keyboard focus indicators being highly inconsistent –… [Read More]
week11y issue 155
WebAIM Million Report 2023 In March, WebAIM published their annual accessibility report. A number of well-informed folks have read the report and written articles with their key takeaways. Manuel Matuzović picks up on one figure in his post, “50.1% empty links“. The number of websites containing links with no text (usually when linking an image… [Read More]
dai11y 17/08/2023 – Interview with Jamie Knight (and Lion)
Interview with Jamie Knight (and Lion) This landed in my inbox only recently (despite being published in April last year). I remember Jamie from my days at the BBC, so it’s always nice to find out how people are doing! Jamie has autism and mobility issues. Denis Boudreau interviewed Jamie about the accessibility of virtual… [Read More]
dai11y 18/08/2023 – Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars
Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars Eric Bailey writes a comprehensive article on why you should never, ever provide custom styling for your website’s scrollbars. The post begins somewhat philosophically: Eric highlights the area of a browser window that is your responsibility (the web page) and then highlights what isn’t (the browser ‘furniture’, URL display, and… [Read More]
dai11y 15/08/2023 – WebAIM Million Report 2023
WebAIM Million Report 2023 In March, WebAIM published their annual accessibility report. A number of well-informed folks have read the report and written articles with their key takeaways. Manuel Matuzović picks up on one figure in his post, “50.1% empty links“. The number of websites containing links with no text (usually when linking an image… [Read More]
fortnight11y issue 77
Everyone Watches TV with Subtitles Now. How’d That Happen? I thought this article was interesting to call out, as in my experience we still often assume captions should be an ‘opt in’ thing. But perhaps things have pivoted to them being ‘opt out’. Indeed, some captions are now ‘on’ by default on social media. In… [Read More]
week11y issue 154
Don’t meddle with user input Martin Underhill warns against designs that manipulate user input, and the maxlength attribute in particular, which prevents users from typing anything beyond a certain character limit. Whilst these features are often implemented with the best of intentions – to assist the user in inputting data in the correct format, for… [Read More]
The only accessibility specialist in the room It’s hard being the only one in your organisation or team responsible for accessibility. If that sounds familiar, I salute you, and this one’s for you. This article by Henny Swan might resonate with some of you. Henny has some advice:
dai11y 10/08/2023 – Toggles suck!
Toggles suck! This somewhat inflammatory headline by AxessLab leads into a very long but enjoyable article about toggle design. The author argues that real world toggles (light switches) work well because: In the digital world, the design doesn’t carry over so well. For setting things like cookie preferences, there is no obvious visual feedback to… [Read More]
dai11y 08/08/2023 – Don’t meddle with user input
Don’t meddle with user input Martin Underhill warns against designs that manipulate user input, and the maxlength attribute in particular, which prevents users from typing anything beyond a certain character limit. Whilst these features are often implemented with the best of intentions – to assist the user in inputting data in the correct format, for… [Read More]