week11y issue 106

Your weekly frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton:

Building The Most Inaccessible Site Possible

In this 35m video from Smashing Meets (December 2021), Manuel Matuzović starts off with a simple HTML site that is considered 100% accessible by Lighthouse. He then deliberately breaks its accessibility as much as possible, without Lighthouse noticing. He calls this process “Progressive Degradation”.

He wraps all content in a <div aria-hidden="true">, which lowers the score because the wrapped content contained focusable descendents. Manuel then made these non-focussable (swapping the input button for a <div>, and changing the href of a link to an onclick). This then raised the accessibility score back to 100%.

It was quite fun seeing how Manuel disables keyboard zoom shortcuts (by adding a listener to the onkeydown event). He also overrides the cursor with a custom image that is offset 100 pixels from the actual click area, making it very difficult to click accurately! Manuel finishes by applying a filter to the text so that it is visually faded out (having already set himself the goal of not using display: none, visibility: hidden or opacity: 0, which would be too easy). As a bonus, he translates all text to HTML entities, so that people can’t even ‘view source’ to read the content.

The aim of the talk is not to make fun of Lighthouse, but to point out that automated accessibility testing can only be used as a guide. It is not a reliable summary of how accessible your site actually is. Indeed, Manuel runs his website through a few more automated tools at the end of the talk, none of which detects all of the issues that he’s introduced.

Standardizing Focus Styles With CSS Custom Properties

Stephanie Eckles shares a useful snippet for setting your focus styles consistently:

:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary) {
  --outline-size: max(2px, 0.08em);
  --outline-style: solid;
  --outline-color: currentColor;

:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary):focus {
  outline: var(--outline-size) var(--outline-style) var(--outline-color);
  outline-offset: var(--outline-offset, var(--outline-size));

This applies focus styles to all standard interactable elements, and provides hooks for you to customise parts of the outline style where needed, e.g.

summary {
  --outline-color: lightskyblue;

Some designers like to only apply focus styles when an interactable element is tabbed to via keyboard (as opposed to clicked on with a mouse). Stephanie explains how to use the :focus-visible selector to achieve this. The :focus rule above can be swapped± for :focus-visible, and then an outline: none applied when the focussed element is not :focus-visible.

:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary):focus-visible {
  outline: var(--outline-size) var(--outline-style) var(--outline-color);
  outline-offset: var(--outline-offset, var(--outline-size));
:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary):focus:not(:focus-visible) {
  outline: none;

± whilst browser support for the :focus-visible selector is still gaining traction, Stephanie advises not replacing the :focus rule, but duplicating it instead. Browsers throw out selectors they don’t understand, so we can’t simply join the selectors with a comma (i.e. :is(...), :is(...):focus-visible {}). By maintaining both a :focus and a :focus-visible block, we ensure that browsers that don’t support :focus-visible – but do support CSS custom properties – have visible focus styles. At time of writing, those browsers are Safari and ‘UC Browser for Android’.

Web Almanac 2021, Chapter 9: Accessibility

The Web Almanac is “HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report”, which started in 2019. It is split into 24 chapters concerning all sorts of topics, such as security, CDNs, SEO, Jamstack, and Ecommerce. We’re going to concentrate on chapter 9 – Accessibility – which in itself is a long read.

Depressing statistics:

  • Just 22% of sites have sufficient colour contrast; roughly unchanged from 2019 and 2020.
  • 24% of desktop homepages, and 29% of mobile homepages, disable user zooming/scaling. This includes many of the top 1,000 sites globally.
  • Around 69% of font sizes are set with px, as opposed to more scalable/accessible alternatives such as em.
  • There’s a mixture of usage of HTML5 elements. Just 28% of sites have a <main> element, but around 62% have <header> and <nav> elements.
  • Surprisingly, more than half of sites make use of tabindex attributes.
  • Just 58% of sites have properly ordered headings, i.e. no levels skipped.
  • We’re generally poor at creating accessible tables. Just 5% of sites which make use of tables provide a corresponding <caption> element.
  • Almost a third of form inputs have no accessible name (i.e. no label). Around 58% of sites use a placeholder attribute, which is not very accessible to assistive technologies, and of these sites, nearly 65% had no label, implying that the placeholder is being improperly used as a label.
  • Videos were found on 5% of sites. Of these, a corresponding <track> element – designed to have the same benefits as alt text for images – was found on less than 1% of videos. That said, “this figure may not account for video content loaded by a third party <iframe>, such as an embedded YouTube video”.

Positive statistics:

  • 80.5% of sites have a lang attribute, with 99.7% of these being valid values.
  • Surprisingly, almost 32% of sites use the prefers-reduced-motion media query; a relatively recent CSS addition.
  • Less than 1% of pages make use of an accessibility overlay.

Interesting tidbits:

  • 91% of desktop pages have :focus { outline: 0; } declared. “In some cases, it is removed so that a more effective custom style can be applied. In many cases it is simply removed and never replaced, which can render a page unusable for keyboard users”. The almanac doesn’t dig deeper on numbers though.
  • Around 20% of sites are estimated to have a skip link (there’s no reliable automated test for this).
  • CAPTCHAs were found on around 10% of sites. These are notoriously inaccessible.
  • 18-19% of pages contain at least one anchor element with role="button". “A native <button> element would be a better choice, per the first rule of ARIA.”
  • The most popular ARIA attribute is aria-hidden (used by 53% of sites), followed by aria-label (52%).
  • 14.3% of pages have the class sr-only or visually-hidden on some elements, implying that they are providing text that is only visible to screen reader users.

The chapter concludes:

As an industry it is time that we acknowledge the story told by the numbers in this chapter; we are failing people with disabilities. The numbers from 2021 have not moved substantially from 2020. We need to do better, and this has to come from a combination of top-down leadership and investment (including the ongoing participation from browsers) and bottom-up effort to push our practices forward and advocate for the needs, safety and inclusion of people with disabilities using the web.

University Students Create Cutting-edge Wearable Navigation Devices

Harvard University 'Foresight'; a black vest with a smartphone holder on the chest and a smartphone in the holder.

An article from July 2020 that’s been in my bookmarks for… well, you do the math.

A group of students from Harvard University have launched a startup called Foresight, a “wearable navigation aid for people with vision impairments”. It connects to the user’s camera, worn in a placeholder around the neck, which detects nearby objects and triggers tacticle ‘soft textile units’ on the body. These ‘inflate’ to provide haptic feedback as objects approach and pass, with the pressure increasing as objects get closer.

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