dai11y 22/10/2020

Your daily frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton:

The new normal — its something of a strain

  • David Banes writes some tips on looking after your eyes now that many of us work from home and don’t have an office-like environment to work in. Some are obvious but need stating: take eye breaks, limit screen time where possible, remember to blink, etc. Try to reduce glare on your screen by turning lights behind you off, but aim for a softly lit environment. Try to keep your screen at arm’s length from you, with the top of the screen roughly at eye level. Finally, consider installing f.lux (for desktop and mobile) – software that adds a tint to your screen, getting gradually darker as the evening draws in, reducing blue light. It helps reduce eye strain and can also have a positive impact on your sleep.

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