dai11y 16/11/2022

Your daily frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton:

What Does X% of Issues Mean?

Adrian Roselli ponders what tools mean when they claim to find up to X% of issues. What do “issues” mean in this context?

He ran a Twitter poll with a few options; most people interpreted “issues” to mean ‘issues validating against the 78 Success Criteria from WCAG 2.1’. But this was closely followed by people who thought it meant “against the tool’s own list of items”, i.e. tests unique to the tool. Finally, a small minority thought it might be against Techniques for WCAG 2.1, which “provides 90 different ways of failing assorted Success Criteria”.

Not a hugely informative post, but an interesting thought piece. Adrian recommends asking vendors to clarify exactly what they mean by “issues”.

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