dai11y 11/08/2022

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NASA’s alt text

This tweet from NASA’s official Twitter account has been heralded as a great example of alt text. According to an article I covered earlier: “Accessibility advocates were delighted. NASA’s alt text was thoughtful and evocative, but most important did its job of capturing an image fully with words to make it accessible to all.”

The background of space is black. Thousands of galaxies appear all across the view. Their shapes and colors vary. Some are various shades of orange, others are white. Most stars appear blue, and are sometimes as large as more distant galaxies that appear next to them. A very bright star is just above and left of center. It has eight bright blue, long diffraction spikes. Between 4 o’clock and 6 o’clock in its spikes are several very bright galaxies. A group of three are in the middle, and two are closer to 4 o’clock. These galaxies are part of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, and they are warping the appearances of galaxies seen around them. Long orange arcs appear at left and right toward the center.

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