dai11y 04/03/2021

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Material Design Text Fields Are Badly Designed

  • Smashing Magazine article by Adam Silver, describing what’s wrong with the text fields in Material Design (Google’s design system).
  • Material Design uses “float labels”: text that appears in the input, like a placeholder, but moves above the input when you focus on the element. This is better than relying on placeholders, which disappear on focus, and which can make it hard to remember what the input is for.
  • However, float labels share the other drawbacks associated with placeholders; namely:
    • Float labels that are longer than the input itself get cut off.
    • The presence of text inside the input can make it appear as though it’s been filled in already.
    • As a result, in order to help the user distinguish between inputs that have been filled in and those that have not, float labels tend to have poor contrast, making them harder to read.
  • Adam concludes that Google sacrificed usability for minimalism, and that forms that use conventional text labels can be beautiful too.

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