week11y issue 61

Hello! Welcome to your weekly frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton (who has just returned from a week off work!):

We begin with some special WCAG 3.0 coverage, in which I’ve read and summarised a two-parter by deque.

Part 1: What to Expect From The First Public Working Draft of WCAG 3.0

  • WCAG 3.0 is designed to be easier to learn than its predecessors. Instead of ‘success criteria’, we have ‘outcomes’. The former concern the content of a web page, and are evaluated as either a pass or a fail. The latter are centered around user needs, and are scored from 0 (very poor) to 4 (excellent).
  • Instead of using levels A, AA and AAA, WCAG 3.0 uses bronze, silver and gold. The current working draft of WCAG 3.0 only focuses on the bronze level, which is roughly equivalent to WCAG 2.1 A and AA compliance. WCAG 3.0 is not likely to be published as a W3C recommendation until 2023 at the earliest.
  • WCAG 3.0 has a concept of ‘critical errors’, an example of which would be if an image missing alternative text prevents a user from completing a task. Sites which contain even a single critical error will not conform to any level of WCAG 3.0 compliance.

Part 2: First Public Working Draft of WCAG 3.0, A Brief History

  • WCAG 1.0 was published in 1998, and was designed to help developers write accessible HTML.
  • The W3C released the first working draft of WCAG 2.0 in 2001 and was designed to be applicable to all manner of competing web technologies including Flash. It was eventually published as a recommendation in 2008.
  • WCAG 2.0 was republished as an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 40500) in 2012, making it easier for governments around the world to use it in law.
  • In February 2017, the first draft of WCAG 2.1 was published, to address gaps in WCAG 2.0 concerning cognitive disabilities, low vision, and mobile devices. It was published in 2018.
  • The first draft of WCAG 2.2 was published in February 2020 and is expected to become a recommendation this summer.
  • WCAG 3.0 began life as “Project Silver” in 2016.

Fancy reading more on WCAG 3? You may be interested in An insider look at WCAG 3.0, by Jeanne Spellman, co-leader of the WCAG 3.0 project.

Now, on with the rest of the newsletter…

Accessible interactions

  • Jeremy Keith describes his approach to building accessible ‘toggled content’: accordions, menus, modal dialogs and tabs.
  • The first step is deciding whether the trigger should be a button or an anchor link. Jeremy bases this decision on the distance between the target and the trigger in the DOM:
    • If the target is far away, a link is better, as if your JavaScript doesn’t load then at least you’ll be taken to the right part of the page. You’ll also want to focus the target.
    • If in doubt, use a button, designed for general purpose activity. You probably don’t need to shift the focus.
  • At this point there’ll be an addEventListener, tabindex, and optional focus(). You’ll also want a aria-expanded="false" on the trigger and an aria-hidden="true" on the target by default. When you activate your trigger, its attribute should update to aria-expanded="true" and the target to aria-hidden="false".

Apple Executives’ Bonuses to Be Tied to Their Performance With Respect to Accessibility and the Company’s Other Core Values

  • Beginning in 2021, Apple will increase or decrease bonuses paid to its executives by a new ‘modifier’ worth up to 10% of their pay. It will be based on a performance evaluation with respect to Apple’s six core values: accessibility, education, environment, inclusion and diversity, privacy and security, and supplier responsibility.
  • Apple doesn’t elaborate on how it will evaluate performance against these values, but it’s an interesting incentive and an example of what what some organisations are doing to maintain or improve the accessibility of their products, policies and services.

Do accessible websites still need to support Internet Explorer 11?

  • IE11 was introduced in 2013 for Windows 7 and 8. Microsoft dropped support for IE11 in November 2020, but continues to provide security updates. Microsoft Edge replaced IE11 in 2015.
  • IE11 accounts for around 1.4 – 2.5% of global site traffic, but the figure is higher amongst assistive technology (AT) users: as of 2019, 12.5% of screen reader users use IE11 (mostly with JAWS).
  • Some ATs are still recommending pairing with IE11, though usually suggest an alternative too. For example, Dragon NaturallySpeaking recommends IE11 or Chrome.
  • IE11 has a number of accessibility features, most of which are also offered by competing browsers (including Edge). One feature IE11 has, that Edge does not have, is the ability to natively override the fonts used in web pages, and also to add custom stylesheets. There are, however, extensions available that bridge the gap.
  • Hassell Inclusion have tested JAWS v18 and Dragon NaturallySpeaking v14 on IE11 and other modern browsers. Where IE11 and Chrome worked as expected for both technologies, JAWS with Edge wouldn’t read out error messages linked to input fields with aria-describedby, and Dragon found it difficult to follow links or moving between browser tabs.
  • In conclusion, Hassell Inclusion currently recommend that websites continue to support IE11, until Edge improves its offering for AT users. This is also in line with GOV.UK recommendations.

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