Your weekly frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton:
Legacy Applications and Accessibility
- A blog post describing approaches to finding accessibility issues in legacy code; for example, scanning the codebase for positive tab index values (
etc). An interesting idea is an ‘accessibility JavaScript file’ that you can include on pages to help fix a11y issues without having to modify the legacy code. For example,var contButton = document.getElementById('continue'); if (contButton) { contButton.setAttribute('role', 'button'); // etc }
Modesto Teen Who’s Legally Blind, Hearing Impaired Becomes Household Name In World Of Bowling
- Jacob Gaddam is a sixteen year old who bowls like a champion – despite being legally blind and hearing impaired. Watch the video on YouTube (I had trouble getting any video content in the article itself).
My Accessibility-Tinged WWDC 2020 Wishlist
- The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is running from June 22-26 this year. Steven Aquino shares his hopes for what Apple will showcase, including the ability to zoom in on emoji; brightness slider for the Apple Watch display; and a Magic Keyboard with Touch Bar.
For Mothers Of Black Children With Disabilities, Living With Twice The Fear
- Kim Kaiser voices the fears she has for her black, autistic 14 year old son. “When an African American person is disabled and can’t process a police command, [the result could be fatal]”. She’s taught her son to to keep his hands out of his pockets, to not carry anything that could be perceived as a weapon, and to put his hands up if approached by police. If questioned by police, he is to immediately inform them that he is on the autism spectrum. The sad reality is that his characteristics “automatically look suspicious to first responders”.
- The Sense Buddying scheme matches volunteers and young people with disabilities to spend time together to help combat loneliness, something experienced by 77% of this demographic. Prior to the pandemic, matches did activities in local communities in East London, but now video-chat instead. One testimonial from Saihan Islam reads: “Maria is someone that I can talk to outside of my family which is really nice when I am feeling anxious. She is always really kind and helpful”. You can volunteer by emailing
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