Welcome to your monthly frequent11y newsletter, brought to you by @ChrisBAshton. I hope you enjoy these a11y articles I’ve collated and summarised for you. (Psst – if you find these emails too long, consider switching to shorter, more frequent updates). Now on with the show!
This Is What Happened at a Captioned Virtual Reality Webinar
- Meryl K. Evans describes their experience of attending A11yVR meetup, which you can watch. Meryl is deaf and relies on the captions, but being in a VR environment raised several issues, such as other avatars standing in front of the captions. Technical issues such as captions disappearing or being delayed didn’t help.
Accessible page title in a single-page React application
- Post by Hugo Giraudel, describing how following a link on a ‘normal’ web page loads a new page and causes a screen reader to read out the page title – this behaviour might be missing from your React SPA. He creates a
component, which listens for a change in Helmet state to update the contents of a screen-reader hidden<p>
element, and apply focus to it. Hugo acknowledges this element could be avoided altogether if you can guarantee there is always a relevant<h1>
in the page.
How home working leaves deaf people out of the loop during coronavirus
- Three quarters of people who live with deafness fear they will be less productive working from home. People who lip-read or use British Sign Language are especially at risk of being excluded from phone and video interactions. We can all help by speaking one at a time, using a well lit camera, and providing textual or visual presentations.

Google develops virtual braille keyboard for Android, rolling out now
- Currently, people plug in physical braille keyboards when they want to type, which can be inconvenient on mobile. Google have developed a virtual TalkBack keyboard integrated into Android, which you hold in landscape orientation, supporting both grade 1 and grade 2 braille.
Styling yourself when you are blind
- Nas Campanella, who is blind, describes how she used a designer to create her wedding dress, feeling dozens of fabrics before arriving at one with flowers, lace and beads. Journalist Catherine Mahony uses stylists, maintaining a written book of tactile things so she can identify what’s in her wardrobe. She says she used to think she couldn’t have a fashion style when blind, but now thinks about other areas of life where she has a style – music, food, books – and talks to stylists about getting these into what she wears. Online shopping is difficult due to lack of descriptions, and Nas always asks a sighted friend to double-check items before she purchases.
Models of Disability: Types and Definitions
- A useful reference to bookmark. The medical model of disability is “a problem of the person… [requiring ‘fixing’ with] a cure or an adjustment/behavioural change”. The social model sees disability as a socially created problem, requiring individual, community and large-scale change for full integration in society. Whilst there are the main two, other distinct models include the minority, expert, tragedy, religious and economic models. There are a number of others too which are subtle variations of the distinct ones.
XR Accessibility User Requirements
- W3 have released a working draft for accessibility user requirements for XR (virtual/augmented reality). XR currently requires that the user be in a physical position, with high degree of precision, timing and simultaneous action. The draft suggests users should be allowed to navigate an XR environment and interact with objects in it using just their voice, keyboard, Switch, gesture or eye tracking. They should be able to switch between input devices without any tracking issues. Screen magnification users need to be aware of critical messaging in their environments, and should be able to route these to ‘second screens’. Blind users should be able to get detail about items closest to them, and must be allowed to query items and make selections.
Squarespace, Wix, & Weebly: Accessibility Review
- Terrill Thompson tries out three website builders and examines the accessibility of their output. All three produce unsemantic headings in their default templates, such as Wix’s main heading being a
. Alt text is generated from filenames, and is editable, but it’s not always clear that you’re editing alt text, especially to the novice user. Terrill recommends Wix above the others, but just barely – especially as it allows you to upload videos, but doesn’t allow you to provide captions or subtitles. Website builders still have a long way to go.
- A game developed by The Chang School, Ryerson University (Ontario). It simulates various challenges which are only overcome by good accessible design, providing good metaphors that encourage things like alt text. I don’t want to give too much away as it would ruin the game – it’s extremely well made and only takes around ten minutes to complete, and there’s a handy accessibility booklet to download as a ‘prize’ at the end. Give it a play!
Cleaning our way to accessibility
- A post from the good folks at leeds.gov.uk, describing how they’ve been working through the 9,800 inaccessible PDFs on their site. Making them all compliant would cost huge amounts of time and money. Instead, they’re assessing each document on its own merit and asking if it serves a user need. They’re gradually bringing the content into web pages, or removing it altogether: they’ve now removed over 3,000 documents. They have a dedicated maintenance team tasked with chipping away at the remaining documents. Like all good technological ceremonies, they’ve taken inspiration from Sweden and practice ‘death cleaning’.
Quick Tip: How to Convert Image Text to Text
- If you have an image with text and want to retrieve the text from it without typing it all out by hand, you can upload the image to Google Drive. Once uploaded, “Open with Google Docs” (by right-clicking and selecting the option from the contextual menu). A new Google Docs file will be created, with the image at the top and the converted text underneath.
- An article in broken English, but don’t let that put you off. Chris Cid shares tips for testing your app: use it on your train commute to work (one-handed usage, motion sickness, etc). Test it on people who are in a hurry (grab someone outside a WC!) to simulate lots of distractions, ADHD. Hold your mobile with straight arms, use keyboard only, and wear thick gloves when using a mouse, to test various motor a11y issues. Test your UI colour contrast with a cheap projector in a bright room. Finally, take off your glasses and see how well you can scan for information.
CSS Can Influence Screenreaders
- Ben Myers explains that some CSS may have unintended side-effects on assistive technologies.
<button style="text-transform: uppercase">Add</button>
, for example, is read out as the acronym “A.D.D.” on VoiceOver. The line between presentation and content is increasingly blurred with::before/::after
pseudo elements, the output of which is compiled into the same accessibility tree consumed by screen readers. It’s a confusing world.
- John Loeppky, a writer who has cerebral palsy, describes the frustration watching “the adaptations many of us beg for — remote working, live streamed art, food delivery — become ubiquitous and unchallenged as soon as abled people find themselves needing them”. Food delivery services in Canada are oversubscribed in the current pandemic, and supermarkets in Britain are encouraging all but the most vulnerable in society to visit stores. Be mindful, everyone.
How accessible is the HTML video player?
- Scott Vinkle concludes that the native HTML video player is not particularly accessible, citing a number of issues in certain browser / AT combinations. For example, content ‘behind’ full screen video can still be navigable when it shouldn’t be; controls aren’t always announced when using the tab key; continuous announcements about the current lapsed value distract from the video content. Scott uses Plyr instead, and acknowledges that native YouTube/Vimeo players aren’t suitable for him as he needs to support multiple platforms.
The WebAIM Million – An annual accessibility analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages
- A discouraging report on the accessibility of the top 1 million homepages. 98.1% failed at least one WCAG 2 criterion. Most commonly, this was low contrast text (86.3% of all homepages), missing alt text (66% – over half of these were linked images), empty links (59.9%), or missing form input labels (53.8%). All of these (with the exception of alt text) are worse than they were last year. It’s also interesting to note that accessibility varies by site category, language and TLD (law/politics-based English sites on .gov domains tend to be better, news & adult based sites in Russian/Chinese tend to be worse).
Whew, that was a long newsletter! Did you know that you can subscribe to smaller, more frequent updates? The dai11y, week11y and fortnight11y newsletters get exactly the same content. The choice is entirely up to you! Curated with ♥ by developer @ChrisBAshton.